Our club Woodturning group is supported by six qualified AWGB Tutors and one Registered Professional Turner (RPT).
Currently we aim to support and teach beginners and up to “intermediate" level turners in line with the standard AWGB teaching format,
Club “Hands on” sessions are used to teach and practice the basics of Woodturning and to share knowledge and experience amongst members.
Turners who become reasonably competent are encouraged to seek advanced tuition which is available from many expert tutors, mostly professional wood turners, this is not provided at Club level.
The group benefits from occasional live demonstrations and hands on workshops from professional turners arranged by the club programme organiser.
To support its activities the Club owns six mini lathes, each with a box of accessories, and three boxed sets of gouges giving a capability to turn most small to medium projects. In addition the club owns a selection of other more specialist turning tools.
Sharpening is supported by a traditional wheeled grinder fitted with a CBN wheel and appropriate jigs, a Tormek “wet” slow wheel grinder and a Robert Sorby Pro Edge Belt style sharpener, again both equipped with suitable jigs.
Wood for turning is usually available for sale at club meetings at very competitive prices. Any profits go to club funds
From time to time the group, with club support, have provided woodturning experience sessions in some local Derbyshire Special needs schools,. This is an activity we hope to continue along with supporting the clubs representation at The Stick Makers annual Bakewell meeting and the annual Brailsford Ploughing Match.
The Club lead members for Woodturning are Brian Walker and Graham Legg.